Log In

You are required to log in to the JSAP abstract submission site.
Log in via “Invited Abstracts Log in” with the log in ID and password sent in the invitation email.


* When logging in for the first time, you are required to add your profile. We will send the confirmation email to your registered email address. If you haven’t received the email, your registered email may be invalid or incorrect. Please check your registered email on your profile.

Forgot your password?

You can reset your password from the log in page by entering your log in ID.

Basic Operation

Create New Submission

Click “New Submission” to start a submission. You are required to read the agreements and check “Agree” to continue.

Save Temporally

You can save and continue your submission at a later time by clicking “Save & Continue” button. Incomplete submission records are displayed as "Not Completed" on the top page.

* Please complete your submission by the deadline. Incomplete submission will be automatically declined.

Restart Submission

Incomplete submission records are displayed as "Not Completed" on the top page. Click "Edit" to restart the submission process.

Withdraw Submission

Submitted records are displayed on the top page as “Completed”. Click “Withdraw” to withdraw the submission.

* Note: If you wish to undo the withdrawal, please contact [meeting@jsap.or.jp].

Steps of Abstract Submission



Enter affiliations of all authors. Please use abbreviations to reduce pages of conference publications.

* An alert message will appear when you attempt to type more than 20 characters. Please check if you type the abbreviation correctly.


Enter all authors’ names and associate affiliations with each author. The affiliations you entered in the previous step will be shown and selectable in the “Affiliations” field. Click “x” mark to delete affiliations.

* Drag and Drop author names to rearrange the order.

Presentation Information

Select language. Presentation type and section are preset.


The title you entered here will be use in conference publications.

* You can use TeX for expressions which are not writable in HTML.


This explanation will be appeared on the web conference program and conference app before the issue date of the extended abstracts DVD.

Search Keywords

Enter at least 1 search keyword.

Abstracts Upload

Click “Browse” button to select your abstract PDF file. This abstract, as well as your submission information will be used for conference publications. Please proofread carefully before uploading.

* Please use templates to ensure the abstract is correctly formatted. The abstract must be shorter than 1 page (A4 format) with no character limit.The maximum size of the PDF file should be 1MB. We accept abstracts both in color and in black and white.


Please carefully check the entered information. To modify, click “Edit” button next to each field. To complete the submission, click “Submit” button on the bottom of the screen.